Here we are again... This boy is 4 months-old.
Can someone hook me up with a Pause button, please? Or at least a Slow-Mo button...
Only time will tell, but I am certainly enjoying this fast and furious time getting to know my little man... He is quite the momma's boy, or so his daddy keeps telling me. It's so true what they say about little boys and their mommy. I know we already have such a special bond, and it gives me butterflies to imagine what that will grow to become.
ummmm... hello, mini-daddy face! love, love, LOVE.
Height & Weight: I think it's fairly obvious that L is well-fed. I will update with stats after his appointment on the 7th. I'm guessing 70th percentiles again.
Sleep: Our snoozy man has definitely been having some sleep regression issues as of late. And, yes, we can probably chalk that up to the fact that Mommy was a little too lenient with the whole "nurse me to sleep" habit that he developed. What can I say? I'm a sucker for those big, beautiful baby eyes (see above photo for further explanation)... That, and this boy has quite the temper when he doesn't get his way. Honestly, he has always been partial to the breast, and he has always refused his pacifier, so it was just a matter of time before things got a little out of hand. I tried to gradually wean him from this habit by switching him over to the pacifier (or find a different soother), but he always knew that if he pushed me far enough-- and went into nuclear mode-- that I would eventually give in to him... Well, that obviously didn't work. So, I decided to just go for it. Cold turkey. And after two very difficult naps, I finally got him to stick with the pacifier. Hallelujah. I think I should probably mention that I've tried to run out to the store twice at bedtime, and received phone calls both times where I could barely hear the hubby because of the screaming child in the background. He wanted to be nursed to sleep, and his daddy obviously can't do that for him. This is why we decided it was time to redirect this habit... and this is where we have discovered his newly acquired temper.
Also on the list of things to accomplish is napping in his car seat... as well as just riding in his car seat. Peacefully (although I would settle for semi-peacefully). Without going completely bonkers and obstructing his airway. And when I say "obstructing his airway" -- that is the RT in me that goes completely insane because he is not ventilating himself... Like, at all. Then comes the part where I have to unbuckle and rip him out of the car seat straps (if we haven't pulled over in time) to open his airway and calm him down enough to keep it open. Oh yeah... It's some fabulous stuff.We are gradually making progress with this. I'm trying to expose him to his car seat as much as possible. He has always had plenty of toys, and I've even tried the iPad (since he is all about Mickey Mouse when Big Sis watches it)... Of course, when the tunnel vision sets in, that is all irrelevant. Ugggh. We WILL figure this out... Preferably, before we make the 6 hour trip to Destin on the 21st. That would be like Christmas morning for Mommy.
rolls, on rolls, on rolls...
Clothes: He is barely fitting into his 3-6 month clothes anymore, and just starting to fit into his 6-9 month stuff. We were in his 3-6 month stuff for almost an entire month. Ha!
100% gigglebox.
Lucas' Likes: Rolling over. Swaddles. Toys. Bath time. His Sissy. Watching Brynn dance. Dancing with Brynn (when she's not trying to pull his arms off). The bathroom mirror. Watching Oz dog.
Dislikes: The car seat.... and not being swaddled when he goes to sleep. That's pretty much it.
Comparison to Big Sis:
Let's just put it this way-- I noted in B's 4 month post that she was barely fitting into her 3-6 month clothes around this time... and Lucas is already into his 6-9 month clothes!
Let's play a little game called, "Who do I look like?"...
Honestly, he looks like a pretty good mix, but I see a little more of Daddy. :)
What we've learned this month: That the L-Man has a little bit of a temper-- which is certainly no surprise for anyone who knows what his gene pool comes from. ;) Splash, splash. And watching my babies together is so completely fulfilling. I absolutely adore watching their sweet, innocent, and completely honest sibling love grow... Brynn is an excellent Big Sis. She's always excited to be around him, and to share toys. It's the sweetest thing! I'll admit that I had my doubts in the beginning, being that she was an only child for 3 full years, but she has embraced him even more unconditionally than I ever imagined.
What we're enjoying right now: I'm enjoying this pre-mobility stage while it lasts. I doubt I'll have very much longer before a massive babyproofing operation is in order.
Our biggest struggles: The car seat... Ooooh, the car seat.
L's most exciting milestones: Rolling over, scooting, and finding new ways to make him laugh and giggle. He is just growing so quickly... It's insane!
What we're looking forward to: I can't decide if I'm really ready for the crawling and exploring stage just yet... I know I will love it when it gets here, but I just want him to stay little just a while longer. Preferably, a looooong while.
happy 4 months, sweet L
He is the cutest! I just started to follow your blog from IG :)
What great photos! He's SO big already! Andrew was a super early mobile baby - watch out! We had to completely babyproof the house by six months. Ha! Love the shot with Brynn in there too! :)
Four months??? What a little cutie even if he has a temper :)
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