Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here We Grow Again | 16 Weeks

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  (please excuse the crazy sunburn lines on my arms... yesterday was a beach day, 
which means I was applying sunscreen as quickly as possible, whilst chasing after a toddler running toward the ocean.)

How far along? 16 Weeks.  Baby is the size of a mango/avocado. 
Maternity clothes? Mostly, for comfort purposes whilst chasing after a speedy toddler. 
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Getting a little more difficult. 
Best moment(s) this week: Feeling the first flutters, and spending a beautiful day at the beach. 
Miss Anything? I can't look out at the palm trees in our back yard without missing a Corona in my hand. :( And sushi. 
Movement: A few flutters in the past couple of days. 
Food cravings: Strawberries, strawberries, and more strawberries... They are a part of almost every meal. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can actually boil water now! But as far as cooking any meats goes, that's still no good... I also had to switch prenatal vitamins for a 2nd time. We went with the gummy version, so now I can actually keep them down!
Gender: Unknown. We will probably find out in the next few weeks!! :) 
Labor Signs: No. 
Symptoms: Still sick occasionally, still pretty fatigued. Ready for the second trimester to kick-in any day now... I pretty much bounced up out of bed every day while pregnant with Brynn, ready to tackle a million things at once! 
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Mood: Fabulous. 
Looking forward to: Planning the nursery, finding out the gender, and naming this baby ;)

  Pregnancy Comparison: POST: 16 WEEKS WITH BRYNN
  2010 | 16 weeks with Brynn
.... and here is what that little bump turned into!
our beautiful brynnie.     
lol! she was giving her best "cheeseburger" for picture taking purposes...
her philosophy is-- the louder it is, the better the photo ;)

and then, of course, we had to get the glass slippers...
because a girl can't be photographed without some fabulous shoes!

belly kisses.
sweet kisses.


grammy and pawpaw came for a visit this past week... needless to say, our girl was spoiled rotten!
we enjoyed the beautiful weather, and even took our first trip to Busch Gardens.

our next baby appointment is tomorrow!
we will probably schedule our anatomy sonogram, which is when we will officially find out what Baby W will be... 
a little boy or another sweet baby girl?

Any guesses?!

We have some names, ready and waiting... 
Daddy is not sure that he wants to share them just yet, but Mommy is definitely dying to!!
I must say that it's only fair, since I endured morning sickness for 15 weeks,
that Mommy gets to make that call ;)... I finally got him to agree.

sooooooooooooo, here they are!

lucas wilson weinzapfel
lilianne (lily) wren weinzapfel

And, yes, it's a total coincidence that they have the same initials... 
the boy name was our pick for last pregnancy, and we both fell in love with the girl name.

Will it be a Lucas or a Lily?

We will find out soon!


Liz said...

lucas has been a favorite of our from the beginning, too! i couldn't cook meat until my third trimester with guinnyth! makes fixing meals a bit difficult! :) you look great!!!

Joeylee said...

I can't wait to find out what your having! Loving the names. I'm gonna guess another princess!

Natalie said...

Look how small and cute you are! I can't wait to find out...and love the names!