Monday, January 28, 2013

Family & Hoosier Hysteria

yesterday, we all got together for what is practically a religion in Indiana... Basketball.
... in our family, it's IU basketball.

 little E, M, B, and little A

 here is one of the cute outtakes.

 the M-Man gives these suckers a thumbs up ...

 little A was our little cheerleader, complete with her sparkly pom poms!
while B and M enjoyed riding on M's scooter during game breaks.

here is a sweet moment between brother and sister.
M is such a great big bubby to little E... 

after the game, we drove over to help celebrate aunt katie's 22nd birthday with the weinzapfels....

 happy birthday, aunt katie!!
B gets a little excited around candles
... i can't even light up a scented candle in our house without being serenaded 
with a round of "happy birthday," completed by a few attempts at blowing it out.

so, unfortunately, aunt katie's candles were hijacked by our over-zealous girl...

i hope you all had a great weekend too.
if you need us, we'll be packing...
we have a little over a month before we are officially FL-bound!


Catherine said...

Emily, you got some adorable pictures! All of the babies look beautiful!

Natalie said...

Oh my too much cuteness for one post! Love B's dress!

Joeylee said...

Adorable pictures!!

Lauren said...

These photos make me want a big family!!! I know they're cousins and all, but seriously, so precious!