Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rh-Factor and Baby Weinzapfel

With all the excitement about the heartbeat, I completely forgot that Dr. Flora gave us more news at our last appointment. This news isn't nearly as fun or exciting as the heartbeat, but it's news...
Apparently, my blood type is A-negative and Allen is O-positive (every time this comes up, he always reminds me how his blood type is so special-- cracks me up every time).
This means that there can potentially be a reaction if my blood mixes with the baby's blood (which is probably a positive-type). This also means that this Momma will be getting a RhoGAM injection during my pregnancy and another right after the baby is born... In my bootie! :( But it's a small price to pay for our little miracle!
Unfortunately, the RhoGAM injections also increase the risk of Baby Weinzapfel being jaundice after birth, which in the grand scheme of things will be okay with me as long as they are healthy in every other way!
Most mommies-to-be wouldn't freak out about this now, but working in a critical care unit for children has trained my mind to always imagine the worst...
Anyway, my next appointment is at the end of April and I'll be 17 weeks. I still can't believe I'll be in my second trimester! It feels like it's gone by so quickly (so far)!
God Bless,
The Weinzapfels

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