Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Last Night

Well, as of 0730 this morning, I'm officially a stay at home mommy :)... But if I had my way, of course, I would still be working my tail off in the PICU! I know it sounds crazy, but when you have a job that is so fulfilling and you work with great people, it's extremely hard to walk away from it like I have done...
Riley is such a big part of my life, that it hasn't really hit me yet... I know when it does, though, it's gonna hurt!! I would compare it to losing a close friend or relative... You don't feel the full effect of what you have lost until you have the chance to miss it (and just typing that statement made me tear up).
I will dearly miss all of the ladies (RNs & RTs, etc) that I have built AMAZING friendships with, but most of all, I will miss all of the babies who have touched my life so much that they will never be forgotten... I have watched so many of them defy the odds, that my faith in the LORD is so much stronger than I ever could have imagined! I have witnessed miracles, and I have seen God's compassion unfold right in front of my eyes!
As Brynn grows up, I will forever be reminded of all of the mommies and daddies who are blessed to be the parents of a critically ill child, because they are the strongest and bravest people that I will ever meet... Becoming a parent has been so much more of a blessing now that I have seen the heartache and pain that they endure!

I told Allen that I'm not sure that I'll be able to drive out of Indy, because I know when that moment is upon me, I'm going to break down... And it won't be pretty!!

With that, I will post a few photos from last night! I tried to keep the mood light and the photos happy for fear of crying, so they are a little random...

"Good Luck Emily"
Thanks Acosta! It tasted amazing, even if the decorator was "special"
Love ya!

Thanks so much to everyone who brought something for the pitch-in! It meant so much that you thought of me!! I will miss you all more than you know, and I promise to keep in touch :) Love ya!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Just received a payment for $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make filling out paid surveys at home...

So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys to finally set the record straight.