Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fun at Playtopia

We went to Playtopia with Uncle Aaron and Miles yesterday, since it wasn't raining (FINALLY)!!
We had a LOT of fun!!

Attempting a photo with Miles and Brynn, but Brynn just wanted to give Miles a little love...
Let me just say how refreshing it is to spend time with our wonderful family, and not have to deal with obsessive control and anger issues. We enjoy family time SO much more!
 But we will talk about earning an Academy Award at another time... and another place. :)

Brynn was rockin' her new Easter shades! I swear, you can put anything on this girl and she just goes with it-- hats, bows, jewelry, etc!! She especially loves jewelry on other people... 

Oh, and she is about to CRAWL!!! The Flip is on high-alert for the big moment! :)
No pushing from this mommy, though... I know she will learn in her own time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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